End the suffering of captive bears in Slovenia

Raise your voice against animal cruelty in Slovenia!

Mici, Masha, Mitko and Tim are the last remaining private kept bears in Slovenia who are trapped in tiny cages. They urgently need your help. 

For more than two decades these bears have endured unimaginable suffering, their days are marked by boredom and stress. For one bear, Felix, help came too late. He died in his concrete cage, where he was kept for over 30 years. Despite showing clear signs of distress and the urgent need for medical attention, the authorities in Slovenia turned a blind eye on his suffering.

FOUR PAWS has offered the Slovenian authorities to rescue these bears and bring them to one of our sanctuaries so that Mici, Masha, Mitko and Tim can spend the rest of their lives in species-appropriate conditions, and receive the attention they desperately deserve. But we need your help to make this a reality! Although FOUR PAWS has proven to the authorities that all of the bears are suffering, and need to be relocated as soon as possible to a species-appropriate facility, they keep ignoring us.

You can help change this!

Please raise your voice for the captive bears in Slovenia and urge the Slovenian authorities to finally accept their responsibility and order a confiscation of the bears. Only then can FOUR PAWS finally rescue and accommodate them in one of our beautiful sanctuaries.
