Every signature counts! Don't underestimate the power of an online petition. Join in our effort: your signature can give a voice to animals. 

Bear Mitko

End the suffering of captive bears in Slovenia

Raise your voice against animal cruelty in Slovenia!

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Rind auf einem Transport-LKW

Stop the Live Animal Transport

Call for a system reform at the European level.

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Corona und Tierschutz

Help us Prevent Future Pandemics

Sign our petitin to help make animal welfare a global priority.

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Hunde im Käfig

Stop the dog and cat meat trade in south-East Asia

Join us in saving millions of animals and people from the dangers of this trade.

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Kragenbär in Gefangenschaft

Close the bile bear farms in Hanoi

Help us put pressure on the government in Hanoi to close the bile bear farms.

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Protect lambs from live lamb cutting

Please sign and call on brands to commit to ending sales of wool from this cruel praxis.

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Luchs im Wald

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